JDS Uniphase WEB XPANDER RS-232 User Manual
Page 6

Viewing Current Network Settings
You can use the “:netinfo=” command to view the current network settings of the Web
Xpander using WinEVM. From the MegaController screen, click ASCII and send the
command “
” (no quotes) out of the controller to COM1. The network
settings should appear in the MegaController log window.
If your PC and Web Xpander are connected through a Cable/DSL router and your PC and
router are already configured to use addresses in the range displayed, open a web browser
and type “http://” followed by the IP Address displayed. (example: in
the address bar and press Enter. If everything is configured properly, you should be
prompted for a username and password to access the Web Xpander. The default
username and password are both “webx”.