JDS Uniphase WEB XPANDER RS-232 User Manual

Page 19

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Appendix D – Ethernet to Serial Bridge Functionality

The Web Xpander provides a method of sending/receiving serial data to/from the
STARGATE via the Ethernet port using Telnet. Telnet is a terminal emulation program
for TCP/IP networks. A telnet application comes with Microsoft Windows but you can
also download other versions from the internet such as MochaSoft Telnet

The Web Xpander listens for incoming connections on a configurable port. The default
telnet port is 23 but this can be changed on the Settings page.

To begin a telnet session, click “Start”, “Run” and type “telnet” (replacing with the IP address of your Web Xpander. You should then be prompted for
username and password which are the same as for the web pages. After entering a
correct username/password you can type STARGATE commands (i.e. ##%07).
Commands you type will be sent to the serial port of the STARGATE, and data received
from the STARGATE will be sent via the network back to you.