JDS Uniphase WEB XPANDER RS-232 User Manual
Page 15

Appendix A – Web Xpander Commands
Command Description
Resets the Web Xpander
Load factory default
values (follow with
to restart
with these values)
(then optionally) :reset=
Sets the IP Address
Sets the Netmask
Sets the Gateway Addr.
Sets the DNS Address
Enabled/Disables DHCP
Sets the outgoing
(SMTP) mail server
Sets the user name
required for access
Sets the password
required for access
Sets the port (default =
80) for the web server
Sets the port (default =
23) for
telnet (Ethernet to
Sets the internet Time
server for time
Sets the daily time sync
in number of minutes
from midnight
(i.e. 3:30am)
Displays network
Sets a email recipient –
Can be sent up to 5
times per message to
indicate up to 5
:[email protected]
:[email protected]
Sets the email sender
Sets the email subject
:mailsubject=Test Email
Sets one or more lines of
email text.
This command can be
sent multiple times up to
500 characters total.
:mailbody=Motion Sensor 1
Sends the email