JDS Uniphase WEB XPANDER RS-232 User Manual
Page 28

Appendix I – Advanced WebXpander URL Commands
One method of sending commands via the WebX web server interface is by simulating
the functionality of the existing web pages. For example, you can simulate the
clicking of "Light A-1 ON" from the lighting page by opening:
Almost all commands issued through the web pages are visible in the "webxdebug" mode
accessible via telnet. Telnet to your Web Xpander, type your username/password, then
type "webxdebug" to enter debug mode. Then open a web page and click the action
you are interested in. In the telnet window you'll see the traffic between the STARGATE
and Web Xpander as well as the URL that was generated by the web page
(i.e. xxxx.cgi?var1=xx&var2=xx&var3=xx...)
A new feature present in firmware version 1.3 is the sendcommand.cgi and
sendcommand2.cgi functions. These functions were created to make access from the
PocketPC, a custom PC app, or a possible future Flash interface easier. They allow you
to specify a command to send to the STARGATE and they return the resulting
data from the STARGATE without any HTML (just clear ascii).
They are used as follows:
ex: sendcommand.cgi?var1=%23%23%2507&var2=str&var3=%23%230
ex: sendcommand.cgi?var1=%23%23%2520&var2=time&var3=1500
The only choices for
wait until the STARGATE returns the value in var3 to signal the end of data. "time"
instructs the WebX to wait for var3 number of milliseconds of silence to signal the end of
NOTE: The URL must be URL encoded to handle the # and % symbols. The above
examples are sending the commands ##%07 and ##%20 respectively and the first
example waits for the string ##0.
Improper use of these commands can hang the STARGATE and/or the WebX (although
both devices will reset themselves under certain conditions.)
The second command, sendcommand2.cgi, is a variation on the first one with the addition
of &var4=
authentication and relies on the username/password passed to the .cgi for
authentication. In fact, calls to sendcommand.cgi currently redirect automatically to
sendcommand2.cgi and automatically add the username/password to the end.