JVC 250 User Manual

Page 47

background image

Chapter 4---Optical


Model 250 Service Manual






plays a critical part in bringing the image to the screen. The ILA


receives the image light when the CRT projects the image through the Relay Lens
and focuses it onto the photoconductive layer on the input side of the ILA


. The

image does not pass directly through the ILA


but is transferred by a change of

impedance of the photoconductive layer to the Liquid Crystal Layer on the output
side of the ILA


. The light coming from the Arc Lamp enters the output side of

the ILA


and passes through the Liquid Crystal layer. Here the polarized light is

rotated according to the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules. It then reflects
off the mirror and passes back through the liquid crystal layer. The polarized light
it is rotated again and then exits the ILA


. The amount the liquid crystal rotates

the polarized light depends on the ILA


Bias, ILA


Sensitivity (frequency), and

CRT brightness (Sensitivity and Threshold).



Service Adjustments



Bias and Sensitivity Adjustment



has adjustable bias and frequency (sensitivity). The ILA


bias and

sensitivity are adjusted by software through the menu (see Model 250 User’s
Guide, section 5.6 Setup Adjustments
). The ILA


bias is individually adjustable

for each ILA


; the ILA


sensitivity (frequency) adjusts all the ILA


s together.

Super Contrast ILA


Compensator Adjustment

The offstate level can be adjusted on Super Contrast ILA


s. The Compensator

adjustment moves a lever on the top of each Super Contrast ILA


to a null

position. The null position is where the offstate level is as dark as possible. The
Compensator is set at the factory and should not need adjustment. Perform this
procedure when replacing an ILA


assembly or if the Compensator adjustment

lever has been inadvertently moved.

To set the Super Contrast ILA




Power the projector ON and allow it to stabilize for at least 30 minutes.


Remove the rear cover and tilt the Electronics Module up.


Under the System-Preferences menu, verify that the "Shutters on Hide"
box is checked.


Use the HIDE key to hide red and blue.


Disconnect the connector from the top of the green ILA




Move the Compensator lever (this lever is just in front of the ILA


connector) to the right and left until the darkest level appears on the


Reconnect the ILA


connector to the green ILA




Repeat the above steps for the red ILA


and blue ILA


. Block the light

from the other two ILA


s each time, using the HIDE key.


Replace the rear cover.