JVC 250 User Manual

Page 22

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Chapter 3---Electrical


Model 250 Service Manual

ALPS - Inputs:

AC input power: Directly from the AC Line Filter. The input range is from 220-
240 VAC, at 50/60 Hz.

/LAMP_ENA - from the System Controller PCB. Turns on the ALPS.

/COVER_ON - signal enabling the Arc Lamp Power Supply.

/LAMP_OK - the input is jumpered at the Arc Lamp Power Supply (tied to
ground) so it is always low.

/ = Active Low

ALPS - Outputs:


+170 VDC output during the boost phase to get Arc Lamp ignition. This
supplies the power for the Igniter.


Run Voltage - 25 to 31 V to maintain the arc lamp operation.


Current - 70 to 85 amps to maintain the arc lamp operation.


LAMP_OUT - Lamp output voltage, positive.


LAMP_RTN - Lamp return.


/LAMP_LIT - signal to System Controller PCB indicating that the Arc Lamp
is lit.


/LAMP_OK - signal to System Controller PCB (no real indication).