JVC 250 User Manual

Page 17

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Chapter 3---Electrical

Model 250 Service Manual


3.0 Electrical


3.1 Safety............................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Incoming Power Circuit ............................................................................... 3-2

AC Power Cord .......................................................................................... 3-2
AC Circuit Breaker..................................................................................... 3-2
AC EMI Filter ............................................................................................ 3-2

3.3 Power Supplies............................................................................................. 3-3

Low Voltage Power Supply ....................................................................... 3-3
Arc Lamp Power Supply ............................................................................ 3-5
High Voltage Power Supply....................................................................... 3-9

3.4 Igniter Assembly .......................................................................................... 3-15

3.1 Safety



Before performing procedures in this chapter,

review the chapter on Safety at the beginning of this manual.



When performing procedures in this chapter

that require projector covers to be off, wear high voltage gloves
(ANSI/ASTM 10,000 volt rated) when working near the CRTs, Arc
Lamp, or power supplies
. Wear safety goggles (rated X5) when
working anywhere near the light path from the arc lamp or the
projection lens



It is very strongly recommended that setup

data be downloaded (Exported, see section 8.2 Importing/Exporting) before
performing any of the following procedures. Exporting baseline source
setup data to disk is an excellent precautionary measure. It will save the
time of setting up new source file(s) in the case of an unexpected problem
