5 z/vm and vse/esa data migration – IBM TotalStorage DS6000 Series User Manual
Page 295

Chapter 13. Data Migration in zSeries environments
EXTVTOC, which requires you to delete and rebuild the VTOC index using EXTINDEX in
the REFORMAT command.
Then perform the logical data set copy operation to the larger volumes. This allows you to
use either DFSMSdss logical copy operations or the system-managed data approach.
When a level is reached where no data moves any more because the remaining data sets are
in use all the time, some down time has to be scheduled to perform the movement of the
remaining data. This might require you to run DFSMSdss jobs from a system which has no
active allocations on the volumes which need to be emptied.
13.5 z/VM and VSE/ESA data migration
DFSMS/VM® provides a set of software utility and command functions which are suited for
data migration.
DASD Dump Restore (DDR) provides a physical copy and is suited to copy data between
devices with the same device geometry. DDR cannot be utilized for a device migration like
from 3390 to 3390.
DIRMAINT CMDISK moves data between minidisks in VM from any device type to any
device type which is supported by VM.
CMS COPYFILE offers a logical copy on a file level from any minidisk device to any
minidisk device which VM supports and is, therefore, suited to migrate to a different device
Another logical migration approach is possible through the CP PTAPE command. PTAPE
dumps spool files to tape and then re-loads these files back onto the new disk storage.
Last, but not least, PPRC might be considered when moving the data from any ESS model to
the new storage server DS6800. Because PPRC is a host server independent approach,
similar considerations apply as outlined under “Hardware- and microcode-based migration”
on page 258.
z/OS Global Mirror under a z/OS image also allows you to move z/VM full mini disks between
different storage servers and would allow you to connect to the source disk server through
ESCON and to the target disk storage server with FICON.
In VSE/ESA data migration you might consider the following approaches:
Physical volume copy from all ESS models to the new DS6800 disk storage server
through PPRC as outlined under “Hardware- and microcode-based migration” on
page 258.
Logical copy operations under VSE/ESA which allow data movement from source storage
servers to new DS6800 disk storage servers are the following:
– VSE FASTCOPY to move data between volumes with the same device geometry.
– VSE DITTO to copy individual files which allow a device migration.
– VSE IDCAMS commands REPRO or EXPORT/IMPORT to move VSAM files between
any device types.
There are other software vendor products as well which provide the capability to migrate data
onto new storage servers, for example, CA Favor.