IBM SC41-5420-04 User Manual

Page 71

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The maximum number of interfaces that can be active on a line description
at any given time is 128. This is true for all line types (for example,
token-ring, Ethernet, frame relay, and so forth).

Example: A Single Host on a Network over a Communications

Your server uses one adapter for TCP/IP to attach to a LAN or WAN network. You
add one TCP/IP interface. This TCP/IP interface includes the Internet address of
your server. With this single Internet address, your server is part of a single
TCP/IP network (Figure 47).

Example: Multiple Hosts on the Same Network over the Same
Communications Line

Your server uses one adapter for TCP/IP to attach to a LAN or WAN network. You
add multiple TCP/IP interfaces. Each of these TCP/IP interfaces includes an
Internet address of the same TCP/IP network. With these multiple Internet
addresses your server appears as multiple hosts in a single TCP/IP network
(Figure 48).

This can be a migration scenario.

Example: Multiple Hosts on the Same Network over Multiple
Communications Lines

Your server uses more than one adapter for TCP/IP to attach to the same LAN or
WAN network. You add multiple TCP/IP interfaces. At least one interface is
assigned to each adapter/line description. Each of these TCP/IP interfaces includes
an Internet address of the same TCP/IP networks. With these multiple Internet

Figure 47. Multihoming - Single Host, Single Network, Single Line

Figure 48. Multihoming - Multiple Hosts, Single Network, Single Line

Chapter 2. TCP/IP: Operation, Management, and Advanced Topics