IBM G325-2585-02 User Manual
Page 5

IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5.1
Release Notes
The date/time format in unlisted meeting pages is unlocalized ....................................
When shared window is obstructed users will see gray................................................
"Join the Call" button may take a few moments before enabling ..................................
Emoticons convert to text symbols using Connect and UIM clients..............................
Known issues with Sametime Connect and Yahoo ! Messenger ..................................
Offline messages, Do Not Disturb status not handled correctly....................................
Sametime servers 3.0, 6.5.1, and 7.0 require a SIP patch ...........................................
XMPP does not support Sametime Gateway clusters ..................................................
Do not create a Name Change Task with a non -existent file .......................................
Domino Web Administration does not support Firefox 1.5.x .........................................
Internet e-mail addresses not supported in LDAP attribute ..........................................
No test or self-signed certificates for HTTPS proxy connections ..................................
Sametime setup fails when xACL enabled for Domino Directory .................................
Acrobat Reader must be installed for some autorun links to work ................................
Cannot click-to-call online users who run older Sametime clients ................................
Cannot start a call w/user whose policy does not allow telephony ...............................
Corrupt .oit directory can cause conversions to fail on UNIX........................................
Call menu item on right-click Person menu loses sub-menu ........................................
i5/OS: Update Business Card setup after changing to LDAP .......................................
Preventing errors when UserInfo servlet processes updates .......................................
Retrieving Photos from Domino 6.5.1 LDAP directory with UserInfo ............................
Do not use Japanese characters in client plug -in download path ................................
i5/OS: Server fails to start when CCSID incompatible with PASE ................................
Macintosh: Client may not show native UI for Norwegian locale ..................................
Users may see incoherent message when ending a meeting ......................................