IBM G325-2585-02 User Manual
Page 17

IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5.1
Release Notes
Voice Chat - Allows you to launch a voice chat with the currently selected sender. In this example,
Carolyn Sullivan.
Note: Provided the currently selected sender is a Sametime partner who is on-line and not
Phone - Allows you connect via a phone line with the currently selected sender.
Current Person - The name and presence of the currently selected sender
appears. The drop down menu allows you to select from
My Presence - Your Sametime availability appears and allows you to
control your Sametime status from within Outlook. If you change your presence from the toolbar in
Outlook to this status reflects in the Sametime client. Also, if you change your status in the
Sametime client, the status is updated in the Outlook toolbar.
Help - Allows you to access the Sametime integration with Microsoft Office documentation.
IBM Sametime Web Conferencing Integration with Microsoft Outlook
The IBM Sametime Web Conferencing Outlook add-in seamlessly integrates IBM Sametime Web
Conferencing with Microsoft Outlook. This pairing provides an easy to use, comprehensive solution for
facilitating corporate on-line meetings.
Meetings are scheduled though the familiar Microsoft Outlook Calendar interface. The IBM Web
Conferencing add-in provides an additional tab on the Outlook Meeting Request Dialog. This additional
tab contains a dialog that is used to specify IBM Web Conferencing information.
Creating a new IBM Sametime On-line Meeting
To create a new IBM Sametime On-line Meeting, start Microsoft Outlook and select the Calendar tab.
Then use the toolbar to select New | Meeting Request.