IBM G325-2585-02 User Manual
Page 4

IBM Lotus Sametime 7.5.1
Release Notes
Notifying a user when a messaging partner closes the chat window ..................................
Known limitations, problems, and workarounds ...............................................
Sametime Connect for Browsers is not included with Sametime ..................................
Cannot set voice chat audio devices on Macintosh clients ...........................................
Orange frame used as a selection aid is not drawn on Linux .......................................
Some network connectivity options not available on Linux Connect ............................
Voice/video chat doesn’t show that participant unmuted himself ..................................
"$" character in business card retrieving data from Domino LDAP...............................
Conversion Service failure produces no error message ...............................................
IME may disappear when XP users share entire screen ..............................................
Password is not case-sensitive using Mozilla with RedHat 3.0 ....................................
Premiere Global Services audio adapter not supported ...............................................
Set maximum number of days for Web Conferences in Notes .INI ..............................
Some German characters may not work in shared application ....................................