Bios ep-8kta – IBM EP-8KTA User Manual
Page 36

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K7 CLK_CTL Select: Use this item to specify the clock control for ramp rate.
Select default for a defaulted time value, and optimal for optimum time value
which depends on different CPU ratio.
The choice: Default, Optimal
OnChip USB/USB2: USB Connector (Port 0-1)/(Port 2-3).
The choice: Enabled, Disabled.
USB Keyboard Support: This controls the activation status of an optional USB
keyboard that may be attached. The default is disabled.
Enabled: Enable USB keyboard support.
Disabled: Disable USB keyboard support.
OnChip Sound: Turn on/off onchip sound device.
CPU to PCI Write Buffer: When enabled, up to four D words of data can be
written to the PCI bus without interruting the CPU. When disabled, a write buffer
is not used and the CPU read cycle will not be completed until the PCI bus signals
that it is ready to receive the data.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PCI Dynamic Bursting: When Enabled, data transfers on the PCI bus, where
possible, make use of the high-performance PCI bust protocol, in which graeater
amounts of data are transferred at a single command.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PCI Master 0 WS Write: When Enabled, writes to the PCI bus are command
with zero wait states.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PCI Delay Transaction: The chipset has an embedded 32-bit posted write buffer
to support delay transactions cycles. Select Enabled to support compliance with
PCI specification version 2.1.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
PCI #2 Access #1 Retry: This item allows you enabled/disable the PCI #2
Access #1 Retry.
The Choice: Enabled, Disabled.
Memory Parity/ECC Check: If the DRAM chip in your system support Parity/
ECC check, select Enabled.