Interpreting error messages – IBM SC34-5764-01 User Manual

Page 34

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rexx hello
Hello! What is your name?
Hello SAM

Here is what happens:

1. The SAY instruction displays Hello! What is your name?

2. The PULL instruction pauses the program, waiting for a reply.

3. You type sam on the command line and then press Enter.

4. The PULL instruction puts the word SAM into the variable (the place in the computer's storage) called



5. The IF instruction asks, Is who equal to nothing?

who = ""

This means, “is the value stored in who equal to nothing?” To find out, REXX substitutes that stored
value for the variable name. So the question now is: Is SAM equal to nothing?

"SAM" = ""

6. Not true. The instruction after then is not processed. Instead, REXX processes the instruction after



7. The SAY instruction displays "Hello" who, which is evaluated as

Hello SAM

Now, here is what happens if you press Enter without typing a response first.

Hello! What is your name?

Hello stranger!

Then again, maybe you did not understand that you had to type in your name. (Perhaps the program
should make your part clearer.) Anyhow, if you just press Enter instead of typing a name:

1. The PULL instruction puts "" (nothing) into the place in the computer's storage called who.

2. Again, the IF instruction tests the variable

who = ""

meaning: Is the value of who equal to nothing? When the value of who is substituted, this scans as:

"" = ""

And this time, it is true.

3. So the instruction after then is processed, and the instruction after else is not.

Interpreting Error Messages

When you run a program that contains an error, an error message often includes the line on which the
error occurred and gives an explanation of the error. Error messages can result from syntax errors and
from computational errors. For example, the following program has a syntax error.

Writing and Running a REXX Program