Rexx file system, Control of exec execution search order, Adding user written commands – IBM SC34-5764-01 User Manual

Page 149: Support of standard rexx features, Say and trace statements, Pull and parse external statements, Rexx stack support, Rexx function support

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REXX File System

Execs can be stored as members in the VSAM-based REXX File System (RFS), provided with
REXX/CICS, or in VSE librarian members with a member type of PROC.

Note: If the file identifier you specified for invoking an exec does not include a file type extension, then

only RFS file identifiers with a file type of EXEC are searched when you attempt to locate and issue
the REXX exec. If the file identifier includes a file type extension, then only RFS files with a
matching file type are searched (when you attempt to locate and run the exec).

Control of Exec Execution Search Order

The CD and PATH commands define the search order of user REXX libraries when you attempt to load an
exec. After the current directory (set by the CD command) is searched, all directories specified with the
PATH command are searched, then VSE sublibraries specified on the SETSYS AUTHCLIB and SETSYS
AUTHELIB commands are searched, followed by VSE Librarian members with a member type of PROC in
the LIBDEF PROC search chain for the CICS partition.

Adding User Written Commands

An exec may be defined so it can be invoked as a REXX/CICS command. The DEFCMD command is
used to define REXX/CICS user commands. DEFCMD supports commands written in REXX as well as the
standard CICS supported languages. For more information on the DEFCMD command, see section
“DEFCMD” on page 332.

Support of Standard REXX Features

This section discusses the support of standard REXX features such as SAY and TRACE statements, PULL
and PARSE EXTERNAL statements, REXX stacking, and REXX functions.

SAY and TRACE Statements

The REXX SAY and TRACE terminal I/O output statements use CICS Terminal Control support to provide
simulated line-mode output. Also, the SET TERMOUT command can be used to route line-mode output
into a temporary storage queue.


The REXX PULL and PARSE EXTERNAL terminal I/O input statements use CICS Terminal Control
support to provide simulated line-mode input.


1. PULL (or PARSE PULL) first attempts to pull a line from the program stack and, only if it is empty,

issues a read to the terminal.

2. Attempting to perform terminal line-mode input from a REXX exec that is running as part of a

non-terminal attached transaction, is an error, which causes the exec to terminate with an error

REXX Stack Support

Each user has a shared program stack between multiple generations of REXX execs. This single
automatic program stack is not named. If named program stacks are desired, use the RLS LPUSH,
LQUEUE, and LPULL commands.

REXX Function Support

REXX/CICS supports the standard SAA Level 2 built-in function set, with the following exceptions:


Stream I/O functions are not supported.

REXX General Concepts

Chapter 12. REXX General Concepts