Syntax of rexx instructions, The format of rexx instructions, The letter case of rexx instructions – IBM SC34-5764-01 User Manual
Page 28: Using quotation marks in an instruction

When you run the example program, the first PULL instruction assigns the variable number1 the value 42.
The second PULL instruction assigns the variable number2 the value 21. The next line contains an
assignment. The language processor adds the values in number1 and number2 and assigns the result, 63,
to sum. Finally, the SAY instruction displays the output line:
The sum of the two numbers is 63.
Before you try any examples, please read the next two sections, “Syntax of REXX Instructions” and
“Typing in a Program” on page 11.
Syntax of REXX Instructions
Some programming languages have rigid rules about how and where you enter characters on each line.
For example, assembler statements must begin in a certain column. REXX, on the other hand, has simple
syntax rules. You can use upper or lower or mixed case. REXX has no restrictions about the columns in
which you can type.
An instruction can begin in any column on any line. The following are all valid instructions.
SAY 'You can type in any column'
SAY 'You can type in any column'
SAY 'You can type in any column'
These instructions are sent to the terminal output device:
You can type in any column
You can type in any column
You can type in any column
The Format of REXX Instructions
The REXX language has free format. This means you can insert extra spaces between words. For
example, the following all mean the same:
total =num1+num2
total = num1+num2
total = num1 + num2
You can also insert blank lines throughout a program without causing an error.
The Letter Case of REXX Instructions
You can enter a REXX instruction in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case. For example, SAY, Say, and say
all have the same meaning. The language processor translates alphabetic characters to uppercase, unless
you enclose them in single or double quotation marks.
Using Quotation Marks in an Instruction
A series of characters within matching quotation marks is a literal string. The following examples contain
literal strings.
/**************************** REXX *********************************/
This program adds two numbers and produces their sum.
say 'Enter first number.'
PULL number1
/* Assigns: number1=42 */
say 'Enter second number.'
PULL number2
/* Assigns: number2=21 */
sum = number1 + number2
SAY 'The sum of the two numbers is' sum'.'
Figure 2. Example of a Longer Program
Writing and Running a REXX Program