IBM GC23-7753-05 User Manual
Page 24

Related reference
“Choose your installation setup” on page 1-2
“Log files” on page 2-5
Performing a silent installation of Informix and client products
To perform a silent installation, which is also known as an unattended installation,
use a response file that contains information about how you want the product
installed. You invoke this response file in a command-line option to perform the
silent installation.
You must be logged in as an administrator on all computers where you are
complete an installation.
To complete a silent installation containing your configuration of a previous
installation, you must have a response file with customized settings of how you
want the product or products installed. The following procedure outlines two
different ways of creating the response file: recording your configuration of an
interactive GUI installation or customizing the template file.
The installation media contains the text-based file that can be
used as a template for creating your response file.
If you know that you have a valid response file already, begin with step 3 in the
following procedure.
Create a response file by doing one of the following:
Run the Informix installation script to start the installation application in GUI
mode, specifying that you want to record the installation in a response file.
ids_install.exe -i gui -r path_name
Substitute path_name with the full path and file name of your response file,
appending .properties at the end of the name.
Create a copy of the file that is on the installation media
and edit the file for the installation configuration that you want.
Do not overwrite, move, or delete the file
that is shipped in the installation media. You must change the setting for
product license terms agreement to "Accept" in your customized .properties
file for it to function as a response file during silent installation.
Copy the response file to the computer where you want to install Informix and
any bundled client programs.
Run the silent installation command, indicating the relative or absolute path to
the response file :
ids_install.exe -i silent -f path_name
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each location where you want to deploy the same
installation setup.
The installation log files are located in the following directories, depending on
which product or products you installed:
for an Informix
installation with any client products
$INFORMIXDIR\IBM Informix_11.70_InstallLog.log
for Informix installation
IBM Informix Installation Guide for Windows