IBM 6C4 User Manual
Page 98

Selecting the Data Rate option allows you the change the media employed by the
Ethernet adapter:
Data Rate
1. 10 Mbps
2. 100 Mbps
3. Auto
Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen
X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _
Selecting the Full Duplex option allows you to change how the Ethernet adapter
communicates with the network:
Full Duplex
1. Yes
2. No
3. Auto
Navigation keys:
M = return to main menu
ESC key = return to previous screen
X = eXit System Management Services
Type the number of the menu item and press Enter or Select a Navigation key: _
Select Ping, from the Network Parameters Menu, to test a connection to a remote
system unit. After selecting the Ping option, you must choose which adapter
communicates with the remote system.
pSeries 630 Model 6C4 and Model 6E4 User’s Guide