IBM 6C4 User Manual

Page 7

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Service Processor System Monitoring - Surveillance











. 65

System Firmware Surveillance.

















. 65

Operating System Surveillance

















. 66

Call-Out (Call-Home) .





















. 67

Console Mirroring .






















. 68

System Configuration




















. 68

Service Processor Error Logs .


















. 69

LCD Progress Indicator Log



















. 70

Service Processor Operational Phases .















. 71

Pre-Standby Phase .




















. 71

Standby Phase .






















. 72

Bring-Up Phase






















. 73

Runtime Phase.






















. 73

Chapter 4. Using System Management Services .











. 75

Select Language .






















. 76

Change Password Options .



















. 77

Set Privileged-Access Password .
















. 77

View Error Log .























. 77

Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load) .














. 78

Change SCSI Settings .




















. 82

Select Console .























. 83

Select Boot Options .





















. 83

Select Boot Devices .





















. 86

Display Current Settings.




















. 88

Restore Default Settings




















. 88

Multiboot Startup .






















. 89

Exiting System Management Services .















. 89

Chapter 5. Using the Standalone and Online Diagnostics








. 91

Standalone and Online Diagnostics Operating Considerations .







. 91

Selecting a Console Display


















. 91

Identifying the Terminal Type to the Diagnostics Programs








. 91

Undefined Terminal Types .


















. 92

Running Online Diagnostics from CD-ROM













. 92

Running Standalone Diagnostics from a Network Installation Management (NIM)

Server .
























. 92

Running Online Diagnostics



















. 96

Running the Diagnostics from a TTY Terminal













. 97

Online Diagnostics Mode of Operation .















. 97

Running the Online Diagnostics in Service Mode (Service Mode IPL) .




. 98

Running the Online Diagnostics in Concurrent Mode .









. 99

Running the Online Diagnostics in Maintenance Mode .








. 100

Running System Verification When Connected to a Hardware Management

Console (HMC)





















. 101

Standalone Diagnostic Operation

















. 103

Running the Standalone Diagnostics .














. 103

Chapter 6. Introducing Tasks and Service Aids .











. 105



























. 106

