Display software product data, Display system environmental sensors – IBM 6C4 User Manual
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Display Software Product Data
This task uses SMIT to display information about the installed software and provides
the following functions:
List Installed Software
List Applied but Not Committed Software Updates
Show Software Installation History
Show Fix (APAR) Installation Status
List Fileset Requisites
List Fileset Dependents
List Files Included in a Fileset
List File Owner by Fileset
Display System Environmental Sensors
This service aid displays the environmental sensor information for the system. The
information displayed is the sensor name, physical location code, literal value of the
sensor status, and the literal value of the sensor reading.
The sensor status can be any one of the following:
Normal - The sensor reading is within the normal operating range.
Critical High - The sensor reading indicates a serious problem with the device. Run
diagnostics on sysplanar0 to determine what repair action is needed.
Critical Low - The sensor reading indicates a serious problem with the device. Run
diagnostics on sysplanar0 to determine what repair action is needed.
Warning High - The sensor reading indicates a problem with the device. This could
become a critical problem if action is not taken. Run diagnostics on sysplanar0 to
determine what repair action is needed.
Warning Low - The sensor reading indicates a problem with the device. This could
become a critical problem if action is not taken. Run diagnostics on sysplanar0 to
determine what repair action is needed.
Hardware Error - The sensor could not be read because of a hardware error. Run
diagnostics on sysplanar0 in problem-determination mode to determine what repair
action is needed.
Hardware Busy - The system has repeatedly returned a busy indication, and a
reading is not available. Try the service aid again. If the problem continues, run
diagnostics on sysplanar0 in problem-determination mode to determine what repair
action is needed.
This service aid can also be run as a command. You can use the command to list the
sensors and their values in a text format, list the sensors and their values in numerical
format, or a specific sensor can be queried to return either the sensor status or sensor
Run the command by entering one of the following:
/usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/uesensor -l | -a /usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/uesensor -t
Chapter 6. Introducing Tasks and Service Aids