Netcommand® introduction – MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC WD-62628 User Manual

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Chapter 3. NetCommand Setup and Editing

NetCommand makes your TV the heart of your Home Theater
NetCommand® is an intelligent control system that makes your Mitsubishi TV the heart of your home theater. With
NetCommand, the TV sends signals to the other devices in the system via the IR emitters, telling the devices to play,
record, change inputs, adjust volume, change channels and many more functions. All of this is accomplished with one
remote control and without changing control layers.

IR Learning and IEEE 139 Support
The IR “Learning” feature of NetCommand allows the TV to learn the
remote control signals for new devices that the TV is not preprogrammed
to operate. NetCommand® also includes the capability of controlling
IEEE 1394 devices by sending control signals on a FireWire® cable.

Using NetCommand is completely optional
When you first turn on the TV, the NetCommand Setup Wizard launches. If you decide to use NetCommand, follow
the on-screen instructions. If you choose not to use it right away, simply quit the Setup Wizard and NetCommand will
remain inactive. Later, if you decide to use NetCommand, you can easily access the Setup Wizard.

NetCommand and Levels of Control
When you set up NetCommand, you decide how much control you want the TV to have over your home theater system.
You have the choice of performing a basic, limited, or complete NetCommand setup.
• Basic Setup

In a basic setup, NetCommand will:
◊ automatically switch to the correct TV input when you want to view programming from a different device. All

you do is select the device from the on-screen device selection menu. This saves you from having to search for
the correct input every time you want to change devices. Unused inputs are automatically deactivated so that
you don’t see them in the menu.

◊ show an on-screen icon for each device connected to the TV so you always know what devices are available.

Note that with a basic setup, you still need to use the remote control specific to each device.

• Limited Setup

In a limited setup, you get the benefits of the basic setup plus NetCommand control over the specific devices you
have chosen. Use this type of setup if you:
◊ only want NetCommand to control a few devices, such as the TV, a playback device (like a DVD player), and a

cable box. With this setup, you can use the TV’s remote to control these devices.

◊ want to use TV Guide On Screen® to control your cable box and VCR and/or A/V disc. After performing this

setup, you can use the TV’s remote to control these devices.

• Full Setup

Perform a full setup if you want NetCommand to:
◊ control a surround sound A/V receiver.
◊ automatically change input selections for the A/V receiver.
◊ control all devices with the TV’s remote, including the A/V receiver.

NetCommand Helps You Manage Your Home Theater
With the NetCommand Review screen you can:
• view a summary of all devices connected to the TV and the input used for each device.
• deactivate or turn off unused input connections; reactivate or turn them on.

If you need to change your setup, the NetCommand sub-menu lets you easily
• add new devices.
• deleted devices you have disconnected.
• change device and input selections.

NetCommand® Introduction