Motorola POWERBROADBAND T2-2500 User Manual

Page 9

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Commands and Syntax

Motorola, Inc.


Page 9 of 51

Command Description
clear Clears




Use this command to switch to the previous context. Note that using the exit command at
the root command contgext performs the same function as logout.


Displays the help files


Shows the history of the commands used in the current session.


Can be used with either the login (admin, user, RADIUS network authenticated) and at any
command level to terminate the current session


Shows the structure of the command tree

Command Completion

The Tut OS allows you to shorten commands as long as the characters are not ambiguous. While typing a command,
press the tab key to have the system complete the current command word or type (?) to have the system display a list
of available options. The options displayed vary according to the context:

• If you type a ? at a prompt, the system displays a list of all available commands.
• If you type an unambiguous command word, pressing ? displays all available subcommands or arguments. For
example, show ? (note the space before the question mark) displays a list of all show subcommands.

Style Conventions

The style conventions used in this manual distinguish various elements of the commands and facilitate the proper
interpretation of command syntax, parameters, and their use.

This document refers to actual command syntax as little as possible. For a complete command syntax document,
please refer to the Command Reference guide for a complete list of all available commands, the proper syntax, and
usage examples. In no way does this User Guide attempt to replace or obsolete the Command Reference.

Interface Range

Multiple interfaces can be specified for a single command using port ranges. Use of hyphens (-) and commas (,) to
delineate ports. Port numbers must be contained in parenthesis. Hyphens and commas can be combined in the
same expression to specify multiple, non-sequential interfaces. For example;

To enable all 25 DSL ports, type: interface dsl enable port(1-25)

To enable only selected DSL ports, type: interface dsl enable port(1,3,5,20-25)

Hyphens and commas can also be used to enable remote Ethernet ports along with DSL ports. For example;

To enable Eth1 and Eth3 on every WallPlate, type: interface remote enable port(1-25)-(1,3)

VLAN commands can also be completed using interface ranges.

To add VLAN 100 to Eth1 on every WallPlate, type: vlan membership add 100 interface port(1-25)-1