9traveling with the magellan roadmate – Magellan RoadMate 700 User Manual

Page 11

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How Can I See the Entire Route?

While you are manuevering in a route and are viewing the
Guidance screen, press the View button to bring up a list
of all the navigation instructions for your route. In the
Magellan RoadMate this list is called the “Maneuver List.”

When you are done viewing the maneuver list, press the View button twice
to return to the Guidance screen or wait for a few moments and it will
automatically return.

N o t e p a d

How Can I See What the Next Instruction Will Be?

The Magellan RoadMate uses TrueView 3D technology to
display a 3D picture of the next guidance instruction.
While you are traveling on a route and are viewing the
Guidance screen press the View button twice to view the
TrueView 3D display. This will give you a 3-dimensional
view of the next turn instruction. This will clearly show
you which lane you need to be in for the next turn.

Press View to return to the Guidance screen.

Changing the Map Zoom Levels

You can zoom in by pressing the “+” button or zoom out by pressing the “-” button.

Zoom in Button

Zoom out Button


Traveling with the Magellan RoadMate