Appendix i, Power over ethernet – MRV Communications TERESCOPE TS800/155 User Manual
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M R V C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c . – I n s t a l l a t i o n M a n u a l
Power over Ethernet
The Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) option is available only for Low Voltage TereScope model 700/100. PoE
eliminates a separate DC power supply cable at each Access Point (AP) location, i.e., it allows for a single
Ethernet cable providing both data and power to be run to each AP instead of two separate cables, one for
power and the other for data. There are two types of PoE connections. One type utilizes all 8 wires of the
Ethernet cable. The wires that are connected to pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 carry both power as well as data. The other
type utilizes the four wires that are connected to pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 for carrying data, and the four other wires
that connect to pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 for carrying power. Pin 4 is shorted to pin 5 and these are connected to the
(+) terminal of the power supply. Pin 7 is shorted to pin 8 and these are connected to the (-) terminal of the
power supply. Both are floating isolated voltage as is usual for a -48V Telecom supply. TereScope model
700/100 with PoE option supports this second option only (as required per IEEE 802.3af standard) so
proper connection to this pins should be provided.
The TereScope model 700/100 can be connected by any of the following three methods:
1. TereScope model 700/100 with PoE option is connected directly to PoE-enabled
equipment –The only needed part is a straight (non-cross) Category 5 jr 5e cable,
which will also supply power to the AP.
2. TereScope model 700/100 with PoE option connected to non-PoE-enabled
equipment through an external PoE adapter. The PoE adapter couples an Ethernet
Line and DC Power (usually -48 VDC – see low voltage power requirement in
Appendix A: specifications) onto an 8-wire straight (non-cross) Category 5 or 5e
cable, as shown in Figure I.1. The other end of the PoE cable is connected directly to
the TereScope model 700/100 with the PoE option. Adapters to be used with the
TereScope are required to meet the IEEE 802.3af standard. Examples of brands of
such adapters are: HyperLink Technologies BT-CAT5-P1, PowerDsine 6001. These two
types of adapters are commercially available. This connection is illustrated on Figure
TereScope model 700/100 with PoE option connected to non-PoE-enabled equipment. In this case 8-wire
straight (non-cross) Category 5 or 5e cable at the equipment side should be split on two wires groups.
One group with standard pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 and carrying data to non-PoE enabled equipment. The other
should be with four wires that connect to pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 for carrying power using external 48V power
supply. Pin 4 is shorted to pin 5 and these are connected to the (+) terminal of the power supply. Pin 7 is
shorted to pin 8 and these are connected to the (-) terminal of the power supply.
Figure I.1: Power-over-Ethernet Interconnection with external PoE adapter