MRV Communications TERESCOPE TS800/155 User Manual
Page 28

M R V C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , I n c . – I n s t a l l a t i o n M a n u a l
Pay attention to
Concrete Parapet
Structural wall or
Old constructions
Soft material (asphalt, etc.)
Non-uniform surfaces
Wooden and metal
Colored windows
Double glazing
The proximity of power
radio antennas
For reasons of convenience, it is always preferable to install
the units indoors as long as all the required conditions
previously described are met and the customer/building
owner allows it. However, when windows are present in the
beam path, the attenuating factor of the glass must be
considered regarding the distance and the required fade
2. Referring to the data in Appendix A: Product Specifications,
set and record the distance between the two TereScopes of the
link. (You can use any of the following equipment to determine
the distance: rangefinder laser binoculars, GPS receiver, maps,
3. Noting that two TereScope units are required per link, record
the quantity of each model of the TereScope required.
4. Record the bearing to the opposite site by compass.
5. Record the number of links to be installed at the site.
6. Note whether additional sheltering is needed for the
TereScope, for e.g., against strong winds (120km/h or more)
Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 show optimal and acceptable locations for the TereScope
links. Notice that in both figures the TereScopes are mounted on rooftop edges
and high enough above the ground.
In case such situations
cannot be avoided, special
mounting accessories and
techniques must be designed
and considered (see section
Particular Figure
Cases\Techniques page 37)
TereScope mounted at corner of
leading edge of structure.