Multi-Tech Systems ISIHP-2U User Manual
Page 52
Software/Driver Installation
MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHP-2S/2U/4S/4U/4SD
X.75 Protocol The ISIHP uses layer 2 of the X.75 protocol as an
error correction protocol on the B-channel.
Stored Numbers ________________________
The TA can optionally store as many as 10 phone numbers, up to 20
characters each. AT command: &Z=
Dialing Stored Numbers _________________
The TA can dial a number previously stored in directory number n
using the &Zn=x command. AT command: e.g., DS3
ISDN TA Configuration Utility
1. Make sure Windows NT Remote Access Service (RAS), or any
other application that is using the modem, is shut down. To shut
down RAS, click Start, Programs, and then Administrative Tools
(Common). Then click Remote Access Admin and click Server,
which will indicate whether or not RAS is running. If it is running,
click Stop Remote Access Service.
2. Insert the Config Utility diskette into the floppy drive.
3. From the main desktop of your PC, select Start, Settings, Control
Panel. Click on the Add/Remove Programs icon. Click Install.
4. The dialog box Install Program from Floppy Disk or CD-ROM
appears. Click Next. The Run Installation Program dialog box
appears. Click Finish.
5. The Welcome dialog box for the ISDN TA Configuration Utility
Setup program appears. Click Next.
6. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.
7. The Setup dialog box appears.
8. The Information dialog box appears. Click OK.
9. Click Start, Programs, and then the ISDN TA Configuration
Utility icon.