Multi-Tech Systems ISIHP-2U User Manual
Page 144

MultiModemISI Hybrid Series, ISIHP-2S/2U/4S/4U/4SD
other device. Or, select the port the conflicting device is on and
change it instead. If you need to open your computer to change
switches or jumpers on the conflicting device, refer to the your
computers documentation.
The serial port may be defective. If you have another serial port,
install the TA on it, change the COM port setting in your software,
and try again.
The TA may be defective. Call Tech Support for assistance (see
Chapter 6).
The terminal adapter dials but cannot make a connection
Possible be several reasons the TA fails to make a connection include:
Lack of a proper physical connection to the communication line
A busy signal
A wrong number
No terminal adapter at the other end
A faulty communications device, computer, or software at the other
Incompatibility between communications devices
An improperly configured ISIHP-2S/2U/4S/4U TA
Narrow the list of possibilities by using extended result codes. To enable
them, enter ATV1X2 and press ENTER while in terminal mode or include
V1X2 in the TA s initialization string (V1X2 is enabled by default). When
you dial again, the TA reports the calls progress.
If the modem/TA reports BUSY, the other number may be busy. Try
again later.
If the TA reports NO CARRIER, no connection was made. You may
have dialed the correct number, but the other computer or software
was turned off or faulty. Check the number and try again or try
calling another system to make sure your TA is working. Also, check
that you accurately configured the TA with the correct switch type,
TEIs, data protocols, and other parameters needed for a successful