2 content area, Content area – Motorola HC12 User Manual

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User’s Manual

MCUez HC12 Assembler


Graphical User Interface


Graphical User Interface

2.4.2 Content Area

The content area displays logging information about the assembly session and
consists of:

Name of file being assembled

Complete path and name of files processed (main assembly file and all
included files)

List of error, warning, and information messages

Size of code generated during the assembly session

If a filename is dragged and dropped into the content area, the file is either
loaded as a configuration file or is assembled. It is loaded as a configuration file
if the file has a .ini extension. If not, the file is assembled with the current option
settings. (See

2.4.8 Specifying the Input File


Assembly information in the content area includes:

Files created or modified

Location within file where errors occurred

A message number

Some files listed in the content area can be opened in the editor specified during
project configuration. Double click on a filename to open an editable file or
select a line that contains a filename and click the right mouse button to display
a menu that contains an Open ... entry (if file is editable).

A message number is displayed with message output. From this output, there
are three ways to open the corresponding help information.


Select one line of the message and press F1. Help for the associated
message number is displayed. If the selected line does not have a
message number, the main help is displayed.


Press Shift-F1 and then click on the message text. If there is no associated
message number, the main help is displayed.


Click the right mouse button on the message text and select Help on ....
This menu entry is available only if a message number is available.