MSI AM-690E User Manual

Page 56

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MS-9826 Mainboard


Po wer M anagement/ APM

Setting to [Enabled] will activate an Adcanced Power Management (APM) device to

enhance Max Saving mode and stop CPU internal clock.

Restore on AC Power Loss

This setting specifies whether your system will reboot after a power failure or

interrupt occurs. Available settings are:

[Power Off]

Leaves the computer in the power off state.

[Power On]

Leaves the computer in the power on state.

[Last State]

Restores the system to the previous status before power

failure or interrupt occurred.

RTC Resume

When [Enabled], your can set the date and time at which the RTC (real-time clock)

alarm awakens the system from Suspend mode.

Watch Dog Function

This setting enables/disables the Watch Dog Timer.

Watch Dog Timer

This setting specifies the Watch Dog Timer time out value.

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