GE A8950CC User Manual

Page 30

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Main Menu:

The menus accessible from the front panel are shown in the menu tree below:

Pressing any key from the opening screen will take you to the Main Menu.

Main -> Local:

There are nine selections available to configure and monitor the local node.
Some of the choices show information regarding the node or the modules installed:

1. Node: Shows node ID, topology (and ring length if SHR).
2. Optics: Shows optic ports that have transceivers installed.
3. Video I/O: Shows the number of input and output video channels installed.
4. Data: Shows the number of installed data channels.
5. Audio: Shows the number of installed audio channels.
6. Contacts: Shows the number of installed contact channels.
7. Power: Shows which power supplies are installed.
8. Test
9. About

Only three of the menu choices are visible on the LCD at one time. Pressing the "down"
button when the cursor is at the bottom of the screen will display the next three menu
choices. Similarly, pressing the "up" button when the cursor is at the top of the screen
will display the previous three menu choices.

Main -> Local -> Node:

Main Menu
1. Local
2. Remote
3. About

Local Menu
1. Node: 1 - Linear
2. Optics AB
3. Video 1/0 - 4/0

Node Menu
1. ID - 3
2. Type - Linear
3. Load Defaults