Page 31

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Authentication Time-Out - The number of times the client adapter tried to
authenticate to an access point but was unable to because the access point did not
respond fast enough (timed out).

Authentication Rejects - The number of times the client adapter tried to authenticate
to an access point but was rejected.

Association Time-Out - The number of times the client adapter tried to associate to
an access point but was unable to because the access point did not respond fast
enough (timed out).

Association Rejects - The number of times the client adapter tried to associate to an
access point but was rejected.

Standard MIC OK - The number of frames that were received with the correct
message integrity check (MIC) value.

Standard MIC Errors - The number of frames that were discarded due to an incorrect
message integrity check (MIC) value.

CKIP MIC OK - The number of frames that were received with the correct message
integrity check (MIC) value when CKIP was being used.

CKIP MIC Errors - The number of frames that were discarded due to an incorrect
message integrity check (MIC) value when CKIP was being used.