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Select the protected access credential (PAC) authority provisioning

y Check the Allow Automatic PAC Provisioning for this Profile checkbox to

have the system automatically provide the PAC for this profile.

y OR. To set a PAC authority, choose a PAC Authority from the drop-down list to

use. Click the Select More button to import or delete a new PAC authority.


Before you can enable EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS or PEAP authentication, our network devices
must meet the following requirements:

• You must have a valid Windows username and password, and the password

cannot be blank.

• The appropriate certificates must be installed on your computer. EAP-TLS requires

both a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate and a user certificate while EAP-TTLS
or PEAP requires only a CA certificate.

If you want to enable EAP-TLS without WPA/WPA2, choose 802.1x under Set Security
Options and EAP-TLS in the 802.1x EAP Type drop-down box. If you want to enable
EAP-TLS with WPA/WPA2, choose WPA/WPA2 under Set Security Options and
EAP-TLS in the WPA/WPA2 EAP Type drop-down box.

Figure 3-9. Define Certificate Settings

Select a Certificate – Choose a certificate from the dropdown list.

Trusted Root Certification Authorities – Choose an authority from the dropdown list.

Server/Domain Name - Leave the Server/Domain Name field blank to allow the client to