Grizzly 12" Jointer w/spiral cutterhead manual insert g0609X User Manual
Grizzly Tools

Copyright © SEptEMBEr, 2007 By grizzly induStrial, inC. rEviSEd July, 2008. (tr)
Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape
or form Without the Written approval of grizzly industrial, inc.
#tr10028 printEd in China
the Model g0609X is the same as the Model g0609, except it has a spiral cutterhead. Besides the
data sheet and parts in this insert, the content in the Model g0609 owner's manual is the same for both
machines. Before operating your new machine, you MuSt read and understand this insert and the entire
Model g0609 manual to reduce the risk of injury from improper use or setup.
If you have any further questions about this manual insert or the differences between the Model g0609X
and the Model g0609, contact our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663 or email techsupport@grizzly.
model g0609X
12" Jointer
w/spiral cutterhead
manual insert
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