Figure 5. energy saver setpoints, Press 070, Press * + 00 + # to exit the programming menus – GE Concord 4 User Manual
Page 28: Notification by pager

Concord 4 Series Security Systems
Temperature settings can range from 45° to 90° Fahrenheit.
Figure 5.Energy Saver Setpoints
To set the Energy Saver temperature range from a touchpad:
1. Enter the programming menus by pressing
+ System or Partition Master
2. Press
3. Enter the lowest temperature (45–89°F) you’ll allow before the furnace turns on, and press
4. Press
. Enter the highest temperature (46–90°F) you’ll allow before the air conditioner turns
on, then press
5. Press
to exit the programming menus.
Disarming the system turns
off the Energy Saver.
To override your normal heating or air conditioning settings, turn the Energy Saver feature on.
When you are ready to return to your normal temperature control settings, turn Energy Saver off.
To turn Energy Saver on/off from any touchpad:
1. Press
. Alphanumeric touchpads display, “ENERGY SAVER IS ON,” for example.
Notification by
Your system can notify up to five different pager phone numbers to report system events. The
installer can program any numeric pager to receive pages for one or more of the following
H i g h
S e t p o i n t
9 0 °
L o w
S e t p o i n t
4 5 °
I f r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e
r e a c h e s l o w s e t p o i n t ,
f u r n a c e t u r n s o n .
I f r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e
r e a c h e s h i g h s e t p o i n t ,
a i r c o n d i t i o n e r t u r n s o n .
High Level Reports
Low Level Reports
Sensor Alarms
Freeze Alarms
Bypass Sensors
AC Power Failure
Freeze Troubles
Low Battery
CPU Low Battery
No Activity Alarm Supervisory
Auto Phone Test
Phone Tests
Fire Panic
CPU Back in Service
Receiver Failure
Police Panic
Phone Test
Phone Failure
Receiver Jam
Auxiliary Panic
Event Buffer Full Touchpad Low Battery
Touchpad Tamper
Bus Failures
• Opening and Closing Reports
• Latchkey Reports
• Notify by Exception Reports