GE 45105 GE Drive Way Monitor User Manual

User's manual, Driveway monitor, Wireless

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Driveway Monitor


User's Manual

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Installing Batteries in Sensor

1. Remove four screws on back of sensor and carefully remove cover.

2. Install 2 "C" Alkaline batteries noting polarity.

3. Replace cover and screws.




Sensor Placement - Choosing the Right Location

The sensor uses a special magnetic coil that detects small changes

in the magnetic held that occur as a result of large metal objects

(e.g. vehicle}. The sensor range of detection varies by vehicle size

and speed The larger and slower the vehicle, the wider the detec­
tion range. See the following graph fora detailed detection profile.






at 20 mill

ïr trave ling /

ÏS per hour

SUV or van traveling
at 20 miles per hour



detection range



The detection range increases as the vehicles travel slower.

Decreasing the velocity from 20mph to Wmph increases the
detection range by 3ft for both cases above.

For best results, use the following guidelines to place your sensor.

Use the figure provided as a guide. Placing the sensor as Indicated

will ensure W0% detection accuracy for all types of vehicles.

Place the sensor...

1. At most 3ft from the driveway.

The sensor will not trigger if the car lane on the driveway is outside

the range of detection. The sensor will trigger W0% of the time as
long as the vehicle passes through the INSIDE of the detection range.


At least 25ft (about 10 paces) from the street.

Placing the sensor too close to the street may lead to false
triggering as vehicles drive by.

3. At most 200ft from the indoor alert unit.

Walls and other obstructions (e.g. metalj degrade wireless signals.

Place the sensor and Indoor alert unit as close to each other as possible.

maximum detection

range (radius): 18


4. In a location where it will not be disturbed.

Keep the sensor away from snow plows, lawn mowers and other

equipment Magnetic fields penetrate snow so there is no need

to plow around the sensor unit during winter months.

Installing the Sensor

The sensor is packaged with a stake and length-extending

attachment For best results, use both the stake and
attachment to keep the sensor as high off the ground
as possible. Doing so will ensure that vehicles with
a high profile are detected (e.g. SUVsj.

Make sure the mounting location ground is hard enough

to support the sensor and that the area is not susceptible
to rain water collection. Assemble the unit as shown on
the figure on the right and drive the stake into the ground.

Make sure the stake goes into the ground by a total of at
least 6 inches.

The sensor installation is complete. Now, every time

a vehicle drives into its detection radius, it will send
a signal to the indoor alert unit


Indoor Alert Unit Placement - Choosing the Right Location


Make sure there is an electrical outlet near

your selected location.


previously mentioned, walls and other obstructions

(e.g. metal} degrade wireless signals. Place the alert unit

as close as possible to the sensor. Place the alert unit
on a window sill that faces the driveway or on flat


surface close to the window.


For wall mounting, use a screw with a head

diameter that fits in the keyhole slot on the back
of the unit. Insert the screw directly into the wall,

leaving about1/4" exposed. Place the alert unit


