Gefen EXT-COMPAUD-CAT5-444 User Manual
Page 16
Each 4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5 Receiver has two trim pots used to
adjust the brightness and focus of the video output. These adjustment trim pots
are located on the front panel of each unit. Please use the guidelines below for
adjusting both trim pots. (The trim pots are labelled #3 in the call-out diagram on
page 8. They are located on the front panel of the unit).
If the image appears too dim or too bright, adjust the brightness trim pot.
1. Insert a small fl athead adjustment tool into the trim pot.
2. Turn the trim pot in a clockwise fashion until the trim pot stops turning. Do
not force the trim pot beyond this point as it may break and will render the
trim pot useless.
3. Turn the trim pot in millimeter increments in a counter-clockwise fashion until
the desired brightness is reached.
4. Remove the trim pot adjustment tool.
The 4x4 Component Matrix over CAT-5 Receiver unit has a Focus EQ trimpot
to compensate for color convergence (color bleeding) or when no picture is
displayed; both of which are caused by variances that can be found in different
CAT-5 cable brands. NOTE: The focus trimpot is not only used for focusing the
picture, but is the difference between a picture and no picture if the trimpot is out
of range.
1. Insert a small fl at-head screwdriver into the trimpot on the front panel of the
Receiver unit.
2. Start by turning the EQ trimpot until a picture appears or the signal shows
best results.
3. Remove the small fl at-head screwdriver from the trimpot.
Trim Pots
4x4 Component Matrix Over CAT-5
Receiver - Front Panel