Additional safety for metal lathes – Grizzly G8688 User Manual

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Model g8688 (Mfg. 3/09+)

Additional safety for Metal Lathes




prOpEr usE Of THIs MAcHINE Is

yOur rEspONsIbILITy.

2. cLEArING cHIps. do not clear chips by

hand. use a brush, and never clear chips
while the lathe is turning.

3. cHucK KEy sAfETy. always remove

chuck key. never walk away from the lathe
with the key in the chuck.

4. TOOL sELEcTION. always select the right

cutter for the job, and make sure they are
sharp. the right tool decreases strain on
the lathe components and provides a better

5. sEcurING THE wOrKpIEcE. Make sure

workpiece is properly held in chuck before
starting lathe. a workpiece thrown from the
chuck will severely injure you or a bystand-

6. suppOrT LONG sTOcK. Stock extending

beyond the headstock MuSt be supported.
unsupported stock will begin to whip and
cause serious injury to operator, bystanders
and cause damage to the lathe. always turn
supported long stock at slow rpM's.

7. INsTALLING LArGE cHucKs. get assis-

tance when installing large chucks. large
lathe chucks are very heavy and sometimes
awkward to hold.

8. pINcH HAzArDs. protect your hands and

the precision ground ways. always use a
chuck cradle or piece of plywood over the
ways of the lathe when servicing chucks.

9. LATHE MAINTENANcE. never operate

the lathe with damaged or worn parts.

10. sAfETy cLEArANcEs. Make sure

workpiece has adequate clearance before
starting machine. Check tool and tool post
clearance, chuck clearance, and saddle
clearance before starting the lathe.

11. prOpEr fEED rATEs. always use the

appropriate feed and speed rates.

12. sTOppING LATHE. never attempt to slow

or stop the lathe chuck by using your

13. ATTENDANcE. never walk away while

the lathe is running. an unsupervised lathe
that is running invites accidents.

14. LONG HAIr. tie up long hair. long hair

down in a ponytail still poses a risk of
entanglement with moving parts.

15. AuTOMATIc fEEDs. release any auto-

matic feeds after completing a job.

16. TurNING spEEDs. Select the turning


which is appropriate for the type of

work, material, and tool bit. allow the lathe
to gain its full speed before beginning a

17. MOTOr DIrEcTION. never reverse motor

direction while the lathe is in motion.

18. GuArDs. you must make sure all guards

are in place and working properly.

19. TOOL pOsT cLEArANcE. adjust tool

post to provide proper support for the turn-
ing tool you will be using. test tool post
clearance by rotating workpiece by hand
before turning lathe


20. crAsHEs. Make sure no part of the tool,

tool holder, compound slide, cross slide,
or carriage will contact the chuck during