Safety instructions for metal cutting bandsaws – Grizzly G0659 User Manual

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9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw

Safety Instructions for Metal Cutting


5. fIRE hAzARD. pure magnesium burns

easily. Cutting magnesium with a dull blade
can create enough friction to ignite the small
magnesium chips. Avoid cutting magnesium
if possible.


keep the blade guard correctly positioned
and wheel doors closed and secured when
bandsaw is in operation. loose clothing,
jewelry, long hair and work gloves can be
drawn into working parts.

7. MAINTENANCE/SERVICE. All inspections,

adjustments, and maintenance are to be
done with the power

OFF and the power

disconnected. Wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop.

8. hOT SURfACES. Be aware that contact

with hot surfaces from machine compo-
nents, ejections of hot chips, swarf and
workpiece can cause burns.

9. EXpERIENCING DIffICULTy. if at any

time you are experiencing difficulties per-
forming the intended operation, stop using
the machine! Contact our technical support
department at (570) 546-9663.

1. BLADE CONDITION. do not operate with

a dull, cracked or badly worn blade that can
break during operation or decrease the per-
formance of the bandsaw.

inspect blades

for cracks and missing teeth before each

2. BLADE REpLACEMENT. Wear gloves to

protect hands and safety glasses to pro-
tect eyes when replacing the blade. When
installing the new blade, make sure teeth
face forward and down toward the table in
the direction of blade travel.

3. WORKpIECE hANDLING. your hands can

be drawn into the blade during operation if
the workpiece moves unexpectedly. Always
keep your hands a safe distance away from
the moving blade.

4. CUTTING fLUID SAfETy. Cutting fluids

are poisonous. Always follow manufactur-
er’s cutting-fluid safety instructions. pay
particular attention to contact, contamina-
tion, inhalation, storage and disposal warn-
ings. spilled cutting fluid invites slipping

No list of safety guidelines can be complete.

Every shop environment is different. Always

consider safety first, as it applies to your

individual working conditions. Use this and

other machinery with caution and respect.

failure to do so could result in serious per-

sonal injury, damage to equipment, or poor

work results.

Like all machinery there is potential danger

when operating this machine. Accidents are

frequently caused by lack of familiarity or

failure to pay attention. Use this machine

with respect and caution to lessen the pos-

sibility of operator injury. If normal safety

precautions are overlooked or ignored, seri-

ous personal injury may occur.