Meridian Audio FDP-DILA3 User Manual

Page 6

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C o n t e n t s

S A F E T Y P R E C AUT IONS ............................................ 2
C aution ........................................................................ 5
A cces s ories ................................................................ 6
C ontrols and F eatures ............................................... 7

Front S ide / Top S urface / Left S ide ....................................... 7

C onnector Panel ....................................................................


C ontrol Panel on the Projector .............................................


R emote C ontrol Unit .............................................................


Ins talling the P rojector ............................................


C onnecting to Various Devices ...............................


B as ic Operations .....................................................

.. 24

Using the Quick Alignment function ................................ 31
S electing the S creen S ize ................................................ 31

A djus tments and S ettings Us ing Menus ............... 32

The Menu C onfiguration ....................................................... 37

E diting and P rojecting L ogo ...................................


R eplacing the L amp ................................................. 43

C leaning and R eplacing the F ilter ..........................


Troubles hooting ....................................................... 4


What to do when thes e mes s ages are dis played .. 4


Warning Indication ................................................... 5


S pecifications ........................................................... 5


Dimensions .......................................................................... 5


Pin arrangement................................................................... 5


A c c e s s o r ie s

T he following accessories are packed together with this projector.
P lease confirm all items. If any item is missing, please contact your dealer.

Quick G uide ............................................................................................................................... x 1 book
Instructions (C D-R OM) .................................................................................................................. x 1 set
G uarantee .................................................................................................................................. x 1 book
Power C ord (approximately 2.5m) .................................................................................................. x 1 pc
R emote C ontrol (R M-MS X21) ........................................................................................................ x 1 pc
[AA/R 6-size] B attery (for operation confirmation) ......................................................................... x 2 pcs
C omputer C able (approximately 2m: D-sub3 row 15 pin) .............................................................. x 1 pc
AV connection cable (approximately 2m: R C A P in P lug) ............................................................... x 1 pc

Optional A cces s ories

P lease ask your authorized dealer for the details.

¥ R eplacement lamp (lamp unit) B HL 5006-S
¥ R eplacement filter

Inner filter : LC 32058-001
Lower filter : LC 32087-001