Real tracks and additional tracks, Vr800 owner’s manual (before starting) – Fostex VR800 User Manual

Page 23

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VR800 Owner’s Manual (Before Starting)

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 1


Track 12

Track 13

Track 14

Track 15

Track 16

Track 17

Track 18

Track 19

Track 20

Track 21

Track 22

Track 23

Track 24

Real tracks and Additional tracks

The VR800 features eight Real tracks (1-8) and sixteen Additional tracks (9-24), for a total of twenty-four
tracks. Real tracks are used to record sound sources in real-time. Additional tracks are used to temporarily
store the sound recorded in the Real tracks. This is useful since you can move data from Real tracks to
Additional tracks to clear tracks for fresh recording. The Track Exchange function of the VR800 handles this
operation. This function allows you to swap data freely between twenty-four mono tracks.
You can also swap data between multiple Real tracks and Additional tracks as an eight-track unit.

Real tracks (Trk 1 - Trk 8)

Additional tracks (Trk 9 - TRK 16)

Additional tracks (Trk 17 - Trk 24)

You can swap data between twenty-four mono tracks.

You can also swap data between Real tracks and
Additional tracks in units of eight tracks.


You cannot record data on Additional

tracks in real-time. Also, you cannot play back
data on Additional tracks as is in real-time.
If you wish to play back data on an Additional
track, first use the Track Exchange function to
move the data to a Real track. Also, you need to
move the data to a Real track if you wish to check
the REC END point of a song on an Additional


Data on the Additional tracks also affects

the REMAIN value. If Real tracks contain no data,
but Additional tracks contain data, the amount of
data (time and space) will be reflected in the
REMAIN value.

Refer to page “66” for more information on the Track

Exchange function.

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 1


Track 12

Track 13

Track 14

Track 15

Track 16

Track 17

Track 18

Track 19

Track 20

Track 21

Track 22

Track 23

Track 24

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3

Track 4

Track 5

Track 6

Track 7

Track 8

Track 9

Track 10

Track 1


Track 12

Track 13

Track 14

Track 15

Track 16

Track 17

Track 18

Track 19

Track 20

Track 21

Track 22

Track 23

Track 24


If the record time of the data existing on

the additional track is longer than the data on the
real track and all tracks are saved on an external
DAT or adat, then the data of the additional track
can only be saved for the time equal to the real
track, and the remaining data is not saved.
This is because the ABS 0 to REC END of the
real track is automatically recognized and saved.
There is a need to exchange the track using the
track exchange function in this case, as well.