FOCUS Enhancements DVCPRO/DV User Manual
Page 22

FS-100 Portable DTE Recorder
Flexible Capacities and Power
The FS-100 hard drive provides hours of recorded content
capacity. See for the currently available
hard drive capacities.
Extend record times by linking two FS-100 units together.
Power the FS-100 using slim, removable battery packs or power
it using the supplied AC adapter.
• Easy to Use, Control and Update
The FS-100 interfaces with your camcorder using a single
FireWire cable that passes audio, video, timecode and control
information. When a tape is present, each press of start and stop
on your camcorder's record button creates an individual clip on
disk. The FS-100 features a comprehensive backlit display, menu
system and buttons allowing easy control and management. In
addition, these units are upgradeable in the field.
Never Miss A Shot
FS-100's PRE-record mode means you are always recording.
When action happens, you now can have up to six seconds prior
to the event occurring saved in your clip.
PRE-REC Disk and Loop Record Modes
Scene Marking
This allows categorizing video clips into pre-named folders on
the disk during a shoot.
User Definable Tme Lapse
Loop Playback Modes
Free Run, Rec Run, and Regen Timecode Modes