FieldServer FS-8704-09 SNMP User Manual
Page 38

FS-8704-09 SNMP Driver Manual
Page 38 of 39
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:
Tel: (408) 262 2299 Fax: (408) 262 9042 Toll Free: (888) 509 1970 email: [email protected]
offline/expired. DA=%s Off=%d
A remote client has polled for data. The data at the location
specified it ‘too old’ to serve. This usually means that the Client
Node is offline and hence the FieldServer cannot update the data. A
parameter called ‘Cache_Age_Timeout’ controls how old the data
can be before the FieldServer refuses to serve it. Check the
connection used to obtain the original data.
SNMP:#58 Err. Needs Data
Array with name %
The server side of the driver has received a message which requires
data to be stored in the named Data Array but the Data Array cannot
be found. Check the configuration of the FieldServer vs. the
configuration of the remote client.
SNMP:#59 Err. Store index %d
exceeds Data Array %s length
The server side of the driver has received a message which requires
data to be stored in the named Data Array at the specified offset.
The Data Array is too short. Check the configuration of the
FieldServer vs. the configuration of the remote client.
SNMP:#60 Err. Index Storage
can only store Integer Values
Refer to Appendix A.2. The driver is storing data using the lookup
method. The data that is stored is the data associated with the
‘SNMP_OID” parameter in the configuration file. This OID must be
bound to integer data. Check and correct the configuration of the
FieldServer or the remote agent that produces the trap.
DA=%s:%d value=%d gen=%d
SNMP:#61 FYI Store ! String
DA=%s:%d value=%d
The driver is storing data. This message is for information only. The
message tells you where the data was stored. It is intended as a
debugging tool.
data_type: 0x%x
The driver is storing data but the data type is not supported. Check
the Driver fact sheet to see what data types are supported and then
correct the configuration of the remote client/agent that produced the
SNMP:#63a Err. Cant open %s
SNMP:#63b FYI. Response was
sent from %s (Hex file)
SNMP:#63b FYI. Response was
sent from %s (Hex file)
SNMP:#63c FYI. Looking for
file=<%s> for response.
These messages should only be printed during the execution of QA
script. If you see this message call tech Support.
SNMP:#64 Err. Could not free
socket handle %x
Take a log including an ethereal log. Then restart the
FieldServer with the log running. If the error is repeated then stop
the log. If the error doesn't repeat let the log run for 5 minutes and
then stop. Now call Tech support.
SNMP:#65a/b Err. Diagnostic 5 -
Response suppressed.
If this message is printed, please take a log and contact tech
support. The driver has executed a diagnostic that should only occur
during factory testing. The a/b in the message indicate the reason
the response was suppressed
SNMP:#66 FYI. Writing traps to
Mib file using 'style2'
This message is for your information only. If it confirms your
expectation then ignore this message. The message is printed each
time a MIB file is produced and 'style2' is used to document the trap
section of the Mib File. Refer to Appendix A.4 for more information.