Lumantek ez-Pro VS10 3G-SDI/HDMI Video Switcher with 5" LED Touchscreen User Manual

Page 30

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Menu > LAN

* Shows “LAN” status

* Change IP address after DHCP OFF.

* Press OK to save

* Updated information is applied after the device is restarted.

Menu > Input Resolution

* Shows resolution information of 10 input video sources

Menu> Help

[All Red]

All buttons lighted with Red LED momentarily

[All Green]

All buttons lighted with Green LED momentarily

[All Yellow]

All buttons lighted with Yellow LED momentarily

[All Off]

All buttons LED’s off momentarily

[Joystick X]

Saves the maximum and minimum vales of joystick’s X axis

*Minimum value (x): Move joystick to the left and select

*Maximum value (x): Move joystick to the right and select

[Joystick Y]

Saves the maximum and minimum vales of joystick’s Y axis

*Minimum value (y): Move joystick downward and select

*Maximum value (y): Move joystick upward and select


Saves the maximum and minimum vales of T-bar

* Minimum value: Pull down all the way and up a little, then select

* Maximum value: Pull up all the way and down a little, then select


Shows the temperature of VS10

* Always use ENTER button after selection


Shows the version of VS10 firmware


Turns all values to defalut

* Media Player 1 and Media Player 2 keeps unchanged

* Always use ENTER button after selection


Changes the vibration level when is touched


Backup the switcher’s settings into a USB disk


Restores the settings saved in a USB disk to the switcher

[Ref Info]

Shows “Ref Inf” status

* In(0) : No “Ref In” signal detected

* In(1) : “Ref In” signal detected

* Lock(0) : No sync with “Ref In” signal

* Lock(1) : Sync completed with “Ref In” signal

[RS422 Remote]

Press ENTER button to enable/disable remote option.

* Enable : Enable remote control commands through RS422.

* Disable : Disable remote control commands through RS422.

* Refer to the command reference list for remote control commands.

[RS422 Tally]

Press ENTER button to enable/disable Tally option.

* Enable : Output Tally data through RS422 .

* Disable : Disable output Tally data through RS422.

[RS422 PTZ]

Press ENTER button to enable/disable PTZ option.

* Enable : Enable to control PTZ through RS422.

* Disable : Disable to control PTZ through RS422.

[RS422 bps]

Press ENTER button to choose Baud Rate.

* 9600 bps | 38400 bps | 115200 bps