Photogenic Professional Lighting Matrix MCD400R Monolight with Ion Inverter, Beauty Dish, Grid, and Stand User Manual

Page 6

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Press SLAVE and hold 4 seconds

“c0” is automatic recognition mode. When “c0” is displayed, use the camera flash and release a test
exposure. The photocell detects the number of flashes the camera released and memorizes the value
automatically. Or, manually setup the number of pre-flashes as follows:

If you have selected "c1", the unit will auto-flash immediately when another flash is activated in the same
If you have selected "c2" the unit will auto-flash on the second flash detected by the photocell.
If you have selected "c3", the unit will auto-flash on the third flash detected by the photocell.
If you have selected "c4", the unit will auto-flash on the fourth flash detected by the photocell.
If you have selected "c5", the unit will auto-flash on the fifth flash detected by the photocell.
If you have selected "c6", the unit will auto-flash on the sixth flash detected by the photocell.
If you have selected "c7", the unit will auto-flash on the seventh flash detected by the photocell.

To exit Setup mode, press and hold the Slave button for 4 seconds, or continue with the following additional
parameter setups.

NOTE: The photocell is very sensitive, but some experimentation with positioning may be necessary to
ensure a reliable trigger, particularly if the cell is not in the direct line of sight of the triggering flash unit.
Avoid directly illuminating the photocell from a continuous light source (such as ceiling lights or windows)
since this can prevent correct operation. Very high ceilings can also affect the operation of the photocell.

Figure 9A

Figure 9B

Figure 10A

Figure 10B