B.5 *esr? — event status register query, B.6 *idn? — identification query, B.7 *opc — operation complete command – KEPCO TMA VXI-27 User Manual

Page 45: B.8 *opc? — operation complete query, B.7, b.8

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TMA VXI-27 101602

Description: Returns the mask stored in the Standard Event Status Enable Register. Contents of Standard

Event Status Enable register (*ESE) determine which bits of Standard Event Status register (*ESR)
are enabled, allowing them to be summarized in the Status Byte register (*STB). All of the enabled
events of the Standard Event Status Enable Register are logically ORed to cause ESB (bit 5) of the
Status Byte Register to be set (1 = set = enable function, 0 = reset = disable function). (See example,
Figure B-1.)





Return value: (Value = contents of Event Status register as defined in Table B-2.)

Description: Causes the power supply to return the contents of the Standard Event Status register. After it

has been read, the register is cleared. The Standard Event Status register bit configuration is
defined in Table B-2(1 = set, 0 = reset). Related Commands: *CLS, *ESE, *OPC. (See example, Fig-
ure B-1.)





Return value: Character string

Description: Identifies the instrument. This query requests identification. The string contains the manufacturer

name, model, SN, firmware revs. The SN field is normally used for the serial #, but since serial #s are
not stored in memory , the channel # is given instead. The firmware revision consists of the controller
rev. and power module rev. seperated by a ‘-'. If no module is present at the selected channel, PSC
(Power Supply Controller) is given as the model. Supported models include MAT, MBT, and MST The
character string contains the following fields: , , , revision> where: = KEPCO, = BOP, = MM,DD,YY-SSS
(MM - month, DD - day, YY - year, SSS - serial number in that day) =n.m (n.m
revision, e.g, 1.0) (See example, Figure B-1.)

The model identified in the *IDN? query after power up of the controller is the device connected to the
BITBUS with an address of 1. If no device is set to be address 1 then the power up IDN string
returned will contain the model identifier of PSC. The model identifier reflects the type of power supply
at a specific BITBUS address. figure C-3 shows an example of the model identifier after specifying any






Description: Causes power supply to set status bit 0 (Operation Complete) when pending operations are

complete This command sets Standard Event Status Register bit 0 (see Table B-2) to “1” when all
previous commands have been executed and changes in output level have been completed. This
command does not prevent processing of subsequent commands, but bit 0 will not be set until all
pending operations are completed. (1 = set = enable function, 0 = reset = disable function). (See
example, Figure B-1.) As an example, the controller sends command(s), then sends *OPC. If control-
ler then sends *ESR?, the power supply responds with either a “0” (if the power supply is busy execut-
ing the programmed commands), or a “1” (if the previously programmed commands are complete).
(See example, Figure B-1.)





Return value: <1> (ASCII) placed in output queue when power supply has completed operation.

Description: Indicates when pending operations have been completed.When all pending operations are com-

plete (all previous commands have been executed and changes in output level have been completed)
a “1” is placed in the Output Queue. Subsequent commands are inhibited until the pending operations
are completed. *OPC? is intended to be used at the end of a command line so that the application pro-
gram can monitor the bus for data until it receives the “1” from the power supply Output Queue. (See
example, Figure B-1.)