Leprecon AI-512 User Manual
Page 32
5 Record Mode functions
When the AI-512 is in record mode, you can set scenes for each of the playbacks in the system.
Scene data can be entered manually, or you can take a 'snapshot' of DMX data to be saved to a
playback button or fader.
5.1 Editing Playbacks
For each room set up in the AI-512, up to 12 playbacks can be recorded. The actual number of
playbacks is determined by the panels that are installed in the system; for example, if 3 button
wall panels are installed, there will be only three playbacks in the system. A playback can store
data for up to 512 channels.
To view the current data for a playback, or enter new data, click on the 'Record' menu selection. This
screen is displayed:
This is the main programming interface for the AI-512
There are three main sections on this screen. The frame on the left allows any of the playbacks to be
chosen for display and edit. The grid at the top shows the channels that are currently assigned to the
selected playback. The section at the bottom is a data entry area for setting new channel values.