About this document, Über dieses dokument – innovaphone myPBX Version 11 R1 User Manual

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Operating manual: innovaphone myPBX

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About this document

This document applies to the software:

innovaphone myPBX, Version 11 R1 (11.0.896)

Brand names are used with no guarantee that they may be freely employed. Almost all
hardware and software designations in this manual are registered trademarks or should be
treated as such.

All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced in any way (print, photocopy,
microfilm or by any other means) or processed, duplicated or distributed using electronic
systems without explicit approval.

Texts and illustrations have been compiled and software created with the utmost care,
however errors cannot be completely ruled out. This documentation is therefore supplied
under exclusion of any liability or warranty of suitability for specific purposes. innovaphone
reserves the right to improve or modify this documentation without prior notice.