3 general information, 1 1.2 profibus technology, 4 functions and features – ifm electronic RN3001 User Manual
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Encoder with Profibus interface
3 General information
3.1 1.2 Profibus technology
Profibus is a manufacturer-independent, open fieldbus standard determined by
the international standards EN 50170 and EN 50254�
There are 3 versions: DP, FMS and PA�
ifm encoders support the DP version and are designed for common baud rates
up to 12 Mbaud�
Besides manufacturer-specific functions the devices support the classes 1 and
2 to the encoder profile� This device profile can be ordered from the Profibus
user organisation indicating the order number 3�062�
Here you can also get further information about PROFIBUS (functionality,
manufacturers, products) as well as standards and profiles → www�profibus�
4 Functions and features
The encoder converts rotary movements into digital numerical values� Each
revolution and each angular position of the revolutions is provided as a numerical
value� These values allow angular movements to be measured and positions and
number of revolutions to be determined�
Products from ifm electronic gmbh are usually individual components of larger installations� These
applications require tests of the entire installation and do not only depend on the specification of
these components� The notes in this manual apply only to the product from ifm electronic and not to
the entire installation� If the product is used in a non-intended way, this will be at your own risk�