Ivie ie-33 & ie-35 manual, Sound pressure level (spl), Sound level measurement – Ivie IE-35 RTA - Real Time Analysis User Manual
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Sound Level Measurement
The decibel (dB) scale has been adopted internationally for use with sound level meter testing. The scale
begins at a reference of 0 dB in sound pressure level (0 dB SPL) which corresponds to the smallest sound that
can be heard by a healthy human ear, and is equal to 2µN/m2, or perhaps more commonly, 20µPa. To get a
better idea of relative sound levels, consider the following: Quiet outdoors in the country would measure around
10dB, a very soft whisper about 30dB and average conversation around 70dB. An automobile horn would weigh
in at approximately 80dB, a jackhammer around 100dB and a small aircraft engine roughly 120dB. The thresh-
old of pain is about 140dB.
When studying sound level measurements, it is of major importance to understand the response characteristics
of the human ear. Our ears do not respond equally to all the frequencies of the audio spectrum - in other words,
they are not "flat" in their response. To further complicate matters, the response characteristics of human ears
change with different SPL's. At relatively quiet SPL's, our ears attenuate high frequency sounds to some
degree, and drastically attenuate low frequency sounds. As SPL's increase, our ears get more efficient at low
frequencies and their response to sound becomes more "flat," although they never achieve a totally "flat"
response. Following is a set of curves which approximate the "A" and "C" curves, or the hearing response of
human ears. The "A" curve shows how ears hear, or perceive sound at low SPL's, while the "C" curve shows
how we hear at relatively high SPL's.
in dB
20 50 100 500 1K 5K 10K 20K
Frequency in Hz
These curves have been integrated into sound level meters for testing sound levels. "A" weighted (dBA) meas-
urements use the "A" curve above, "C" weighted (dBC) use the "C" curve above, and "Flat" (dB SPL) measure-
ments use no weighting at all.
Ivie IE-33 & IE-35 Manual
Sound Pressure Level (SPL)