Configuring the maxcs salesforce connector, Step 1: import the call center cti adapter, Step 2: add users to the connector – AltiGen MAXCS 7.0 Update 1 Salesforce Connector Configuration Guide User Manual
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MaxCS 7.0 Salesforce Configuration Guide
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Configuring the MaxCS Salesforce Connector
This section describes how administrators import the connector XML file and add users to the connector.
Step 1: Import the Call Center CTI Adapter
Make sure you have Manager account privileges in
To configure your enterprise’s Salesforce account to work with the MaxCS Connector,
1. Log onto your Salesforce administrator account.
2. In, click
Setup by clicking the Down arrow next to the account name.
3. Under
App Setup (left column), click Customize > Call Center > Call Centers.
4. Click
Import, and then click Choose File.
5. Insert the MaxCS 7.0 Update 1 DVD.
6. Navigate to the Salesforce Connector folder and import the file
The MaxCS Connector should now appear in the call center list.
Step 2: Add Users to the Connector
Next, add the users who will be allowed to use this MaxCS Connector.
1. In the Call Center list, click
MaxCS Connector. Details of the call center appear.